The Device Queue and Valuator Routines

The available devices are defined in the header files vodevice.h.

void qdevice
(Device dev)
Enable a device. Note: in VOGL the queue is of length 1.

void unqdevice
(Device dev)
Disable a device.

long qread
(short *data)
Read an event from the device queue. This routines blocks until something happens. Note: it is important to have called qdevice before doing this.

Boolean isqueued
(Device dev)
Check to see if device dev is enabled for queueing.

Boolean qtest
Check if there is anything in the queue. Note: in VOGL the queue is only 1 entry deep.

void qreset
Reset the device queue. This will get rid of any pending events.

Boolean getbutton
(Device dev)
Returns the up (0) or down (1) state of a button.

long getvaluator
(Device dev)
Return the current value of the valuator. Currently the only valuators supported are MOUSEX and MOUSEY.